
Get Clients Without A Website, Social Following or Reviews #advice #marketing finding clients getting started mindset money sales scaling services tools Aug 25, 2021

It's 100% possible to have a fully booked VA business ... without all the bells and whistles you think you need.

How do we know this?

We've done it ourselves - that's how!

Within a few short months of launching our businesses, we both had waiting lists of clients wanting to work with us ......

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Stretch Your Comfort Zone #advice #marketing finding clients getting started mindset money sales scaling services tools Jul 27, 2021

You're officially a VA the very first time you get paid for your services.
Sounds easy? For some it is.

For many VAs imposter syndrome, fear of failure, self-doubt and self sabotage don't kick in until it's time to take the next step in GROWING your businesses.

That reluctance you're feeling,...

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Shiny Object Syndrome Getting You Distracted? #advice #marketing finding clients getting started mindset money sales scaling services tools Jul 20, 2021

Shiny object syndrome isn't just for magpies!

Virtual assistants also like to chase new and interesting gurus, tools, platforms, software, workshops and courses in the hope they will work like a fairy godmother and magically grow their business.

We get it!

You've got to put your blinkers on and...

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To Niche Or Not To Niche #advice #marketing finding clients getting started mindset money sales scaling services tools Jul 10, 2021

To niche or not to niche - THAT is the question! Or is it? 

When done well, niching will be the single best decision you make in your VA business.

Finding your niche not only narrows down the types of clients you want to work with, it also helps you find the perfect virtual work you actually...

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What To Say On A Pinned Facebook Welcome Post #advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Jul 01, 2021

You may have a FB page for your VA business but have you pinned a Welcome Post?

Your visitors need to know they are in the right place. A pinned welcome post can assure them that they are.

It's your chance for your elevator pitch but make sure you make it all about them, and not all about...

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How To Charge For Being Available #advice #marketing finding clients getting started mindset money pricing sales scaling services tools Jun 22, 2021

In this video, we discuss how to charge when your clients are asking you to be available full time.

They might want you to check their inbox throughout the day, or answer their phone calls. 

So how do you make this financially viable?



Click play to watch. Enjoy! 



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The Top Tools For Virtual Assistants advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Jun 07, 2021

With such an abundance of tools available and more coming out every day, it is hard to know which tools you should implement.

We'll take you through our recommendations for the must-have tools for your VA business. 


Click play to watch. Enjoy! 

~ Sam &  Jo xoxo


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The Ultimate All-In-One Virtual Assistant Tool advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools May 13, 2021

There's no denying it - you can't be an awesome VA without awesome online tools. It just comes with the territory! 

Our friends at Adminja have built an online tool specifically for virtual assistants. How cool is that?!

Wondering how you'll manage all of your clients and keep...

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Stop Spending Money You Don't Have! #advice #marketing finding clients getting started mindset money sales scaling services tools May 11, 2021

We see this All. The. Time.

Men and women come into the VA industry with a long list of things they think they need in order to get their businesses off the ground.

Things that require money to purchase.

 The latest, top of the line laptop and mobile phone.

 Office equipment.

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Questions To Ask In A Sales Meeting advice finding clients getting started marketing mindset money sales scaling services tools Mar 18, 2021

Your sales meetings are your chance to make a great impression so you have to be prepared! 

You'll learn:

  •  What percentage of the meeting time you should be talking
  •  The questions to ask that really impress
  •  What not to cover in the sales meeting

 Click play to watch....

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