Stretch Your Comfort Zone
Jul 27, 2021
You're officially a VA the very first time you get paid for your services.
Sounds easy? For some it is.
For many VAs imposter syndrome, fear of failure, self-doubt and self sabotage don't kick in until it's time to take the next step in GROWING your businesses.
That reluctance you're feeling, those 'what ifs' you can't stop thinking about ... it's all fear.
It's fear that's holding you back from growing your hobby or side hustle inside a legitimate THRIVING business.
- Fear of sharing your new venture publicly.
- Fear of sharing that selfie or those new headshots online.
- Fear of making that new blog post go live.
- Fear of recording that How To video to share with your followers.
- Fear of showing up authentically ... warts and all.
- Fear of being vulnerable in sharing your story (the lows as well as the highs).
- Fear of not getting clients who can afford pay what you're worth.
- Fear of simply not being good enough.
Let's switch it up.
Instead of worrying about what's the WORST that could happen by stepping out of your comfort zone, how about concentrating on the BEST that could happen if you take that leap.
Putting yourself out there takes courage.
Being courageous is when you do what needs to be done in spite of fear. It's being willing to do things even if you're scared sh**less.
Those VAs that feel the fear and do it anyway are reaping the rewards.
Those VAs who consistently put themselves out of their comfort zones are:
- Charging out their time at higher rates.
- Working with clients who value their skills, experience and knowledge.
- Getting organic leads and referrals because they stand out from the crowd and people remember who they and what they do.
- Working with 'right-fit' clients offering services they're passionate about.
The more you put yourself out of your comfort zone, the quicker your business will thrive!
It's time to start exercising those confidence muscles. Because if you believe in yourself, then anything is possible.
~ Jo + Sam xoxo